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    Nobodies Podcast

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    <div style="text-align:center"><A HREF="/redirect_id_600.html"><IMG SRC="/ad_images/6001180.jpg" BORDER="0"></A><BR> <FONT SIZE=1><A HREF="/info_id_600.html">Want this badge?</A></FONT></div>

    A couple of Nobodies that talk about love, life, kids, work, pets, people, and anything that comes up. They do a weekly podcast. They share their opinions, & view points. Nobodies is not just them and their podcast it is the person walking down the street next to you. We are all Nobodies, but sometimes it's fun to see that there are other Nobodies just like you.

    -Listen to our Promo!

    Tagged As: couple, podcast, comedy, real, funny, spontaneous, genuine, Midwest, kids, love, pets, insane, sex, irrelevant, friends, sarcastic, honest, life