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    Citizen Journalism Anew One to One Microfund

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    The vision of the Citizen Journalism Anew One to One Microfund:

    You supply the passion & commitment, we supply a (micro) boost. A boost via all the legs of the stool  - financial, social/emotional, and educational - for an immersive type of citizen journalism we call artisan journalism. One of the goals is to:

    Revive the human interest story as an art form and marry it to social media. (Or call it the new new journalism, narrative journalism, literary journalism, documentary writing, creative non-fiction, artisan journalism, what you will.) Like the rock star of online narrative journalism says, it's about "the small stories that when strung together illustrate a more complete picture." In The Ten Faces of Innovation, Tom Kelley says, "Stories persuade in a way that facts, reports and market trends seldom do, because stories make an emotional connection." Four things to know about this style of journalism:

    • Literary journalism enters deeply into subjects' worlds.
    • Literary journalism is concerned with the everyday.
    • Literary journalism relies on voice.
    • And it's journalism lived. "For me, what I have to say is validated by the fact that I was there, that I witnessed the event. There is, I admit, a certain egoism in what I write, always complaining about the heat or the hunger or the pain I feel, but it is terribly important to have what I write authenticated by its being lived." - Deborah Campbell, "Can Journalism Be Art?" (via Canadian Journalist)

    Donations to seed the microfund and launch the first project, a return to the Indian Ocean nations for tsunami anniversary, are being taken.

    Citizen journalism writing scheduled to commence at Evelyn  Rodriguez' blog,  Crossroads Dispatches, mid-December.

    What are you waiting for? Start musing on  your own in-depth storytelling project...and submit a proposal for consideration for 2006.

    Tagged As: citizen, journalism, narrative, literary, writing, video, film, multimedia, storytelling, social, media, microfinance, microfund, artist, blogs, podcasting, documentary, oral, history, grassroots, fundraising, tsunami, india, thailand